Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Podcast Love

Hi All!!!

Welcome to your Tuesday for the week!

I like to post about music I play doing workouts, but today I am all about podcasts!!!

Since I am upping my mileage for my marathon training, I recently started listening to podcasts on the my longer runs. I gravitate toward uplifting (duh!) and informational podcasts.  I've become so addicted to them lately, I even listen to them in the car rather than the radio now!!!

I've found some great ones along the way and want to share my Top 5 go-to podcasts!

The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes
I'm listening to this podcast right now as I write this post. Lewis Howes is an author, entrepreneur, former pro athlete, and world record holder in football. The goal of the School of Greatness is to share inspiring stories from the most brilliant business minds, world class athletes and influential celebrities on the planet; to help you find out what makes great people great.

Guests in this podcast include Olympic gymnast Shawn Johnson, TED talker Simon Sinek, and social media expert Branden Hampton, to name a few.

EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
This podcast is full to the brim with leadership and personal development speakers you probably know very well ... Steven Covey (7 Habits is my guide to life. I read it once every year.), Seth Godin, Jim Collins, and Ken Blanchard.  There's even one with Tony Dungy, former Colts Head Coach (I live in Indy so you must love the Colts).  You probably know Dave Ramsey from his financial growth/leadership books, but these speak more to me than the financial information. Love all the topics covered in this podcast!

Ben Greenfield Fitness Podcast
I heard good things about this podcast, but was skeptical that it would just purely be about intense marathon and Ironman training. It was a nice surprise to learn that this podcast is about SO MANY different things. One of the best episodes I've listened to is called Deep Nutrition, interviewing a doctor about a book she wrote with the same title. I learned SO MUCH about how the body reacts to nutrients. But this podcast also gives lots of personal development material as well.

OH, and I must credit this podcast for teaching me how to run with my mouth closed and just breathing through the nose!!! Totally changed my running and workouts!

The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard
#1 New York Times bestselling author Brendon Burchard shares insights on motivation, success, high performance, and living a fully charged life. These episodes are 10 -15 minutes at the most, so a HIGH DOSE of great information in a short period of time.  Mr. Burchard is very articulate and motivating in these podcasts and leave you with an empowered sense of being!

The Chalene Show
I MUST include Chalene Johnson's podcast, The Chalene Show.  She has another one that I listen to called Build Your Tribe that is highly informative as well, but more toward the business side of things.  I will listen to The Chalene Show on runs more than Build Your Tribe. 
What can I say about Chalene? She is AWESOME! She talks about fitness and nutrition, but also the personal development to help you tap into yourself and grow.  She has a ton of energy and enthusiasm, which is why I love her so much.

What podcasts do you listen to?  I have a few others not on this list, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. 
Happy Tuesday!

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